Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Bob-o's Again

The Lagoon that says, "Bob-o's is near." The Crazy Norwegian. Friendly waitress! Bob-o's Amazing Art. Lois getting her lesson. Bob-o and Cuzco on the hike. Jeanie and Cuzco on the hike. My promo picture.

Well, it is always great to hang at Bob-o's pad. I really love Port Orford in all its funky glory, especially after being in the city. I actually had to do a heckuva lot of work on Thursday, so I tried a new cafe that said it had wireless. Forget it. The Crazy Norwegian is the only place to go. Much better food, too, though Bob-o says I am being unfair.

Thursday night we watched Galaxy Quest, one of my favorite movies ever, which I had gotten Bob-o to order from Netflix for my return. I was shocked that he hadn't seen it, but unfortunately he didn't seem to be as enthusiastic about it. I think Cuzco liked it, though. Cuzco was really sweet when I got back. It seemed he remembered me and had decided I was really cool.

He thought I was even cooler the next day since I conned Bob-o into a nice little hike (about 7 miles) out to the beach and a lake near the airport. (Bet you didn't know there's an airport in Port Orford! A leftover from WW2, very long runway but very nothing else.) It was a wonderful hike, the trails soft with sand underneath, the shorepines dwarfed, little nooks and valleys and some amazing beach vista. I haven't gotten to hike at all on this trip, hardly even walk, and that has been kind of a bummer. But even I can't do everything.

While I had been gone, Lois had been diligently learning the chorus of "Cripple Creek" bluegrass style on her banjo. Now I taught her what is probably a terrible version of the verse, and she got it right down. While that was going on, Bob-o took a promo picture of me for the Dusty Strings gig I'm doing in May with Bob Carlin and Cathy Fink, which is a little scary for me, but at least Scott and Forrest are going to perform at the concert with me! May 3, y'all come!

Lois is a primo photographer of birds, as already noted, so she took the picture home and photoshopped it. Considering what they had to work with, I think it turned out pretty good!

I had a moment of shock when I thought someone had keyed the van while at the Crazy Norwegian, but after talking with Bob-o about it since, I think it's from my running just a teency weency bit into his mailbox while I was backing the van into the driveway on Wednesday. (Now why was I backing it up? Ya got me.)

Friday night I got ready to leave and washed clothes and stuff. It was tough to say goodbye!

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