Thursday, January 11, 2007

Sucking Noise Getting Louder!

(Scott here is giving me the last kiss!)
Thanks for comments and email, everyone! Today is beautiful and cold. Chuck E. came by with a fiddler who is playing tonight in Portland and headed on down. I'm heading out tomorrow, when the roads are clearer.

I wish I could go the beautiful way down the back way and along the Sound, but a patch of ice there can be pretty serious. So I'll go the boring icky Tacoma way.

I got caught up with my mythology class; it's their first week, so everyone is freaking out as usual trying to figure out all the deadlines and stuff. Lots of folks have trouble sorting out online classes at first. In the first week, they just think about the word "myth," which is tough, look up urban legends, and talk about myth vs. science. (That last one always gets things cooking.)

Once done with myth for the day, I got on my hiking boots and we took T-Lou for a really freezing but achingly beautiful walk on North Beach. A red Coast Guard helicopter roared by, and the horizon over the water was all "choppy" from temperature differences in layers of air (we think--anyone know for sure?) Then Scott took me out for ice cream at Elevated, which, you can imagine, was pretty dead. He has a bunch of Elevated bucks (thank you, Carol and Roger!), and we can both recommend the new flavor down there, apricot glace. With chocolate jimmies. Yeah.

A Brief Digression on Van Camping
Some of you may be interested in planning something like this. Here's some helpful stuff I've found so far:

  • Some OR and WA parks have electricity, so you can plug in. Lots of the OR beach campsites do, and they're only $17 a night in the winter. CA, OTOH, has WiFi but no hookups, at least not often. Bummer!

  • You can get little fenders over your windows, I found out today. So I'm gonna get some for the window that the cord goes out of and the back windows, which I keep open so that I can breathe. Don't want it to get wet and moldy!

  • Boxes and stuff for storage are great, but those plastic zip things quilts come in are really awesome for clothes. If you have a cot in there, you get a lot more storage by shoving stuff underneath the cot.

  • Marla (The Van Queen) gave me the big hint of buying that insulation that comes in rolls at hardware stores with silver foil on both sides and waffle construction in the middle. You make a form of your window (Scott helped me do this--it actually was something very new for me) and then cut the insulation a bit bigger than the window and just push it in. This works for all the windows except the really long middle ones, but we found some adhesive velcro strips and I'll be trying them. I thought suction cups with hooks would work, but they didn't stick to the glass too well.

I'll post more useful stuff as I go. Probably more useless stuff.

It turns out a friend of mine from NYC will be in San Francisco just before I was going to get there, so I might try to get down early. How cool would that be, to have dinner in SF with your buddy from NYC?!!!

Music Notes
I'm working in a desultory way on a new Tony Ellis tune. I really enjoy his stuff and am finally getting around to learning it. I admit that I'm cheating and using tab from the book, thanks to my dear buddy Stephen for sending it to me.I'm also bringing along a bunch of Dennis McGee tunes to learn with la Slowdowner!

It's so weird to be home with all your stuff waiting for you in a van. I gotta go!


Unknown said...

My first question is, Van Banjo? Would this be a Dutch name? (Jean-Claude Van Banjo)
Second will we be seeing any photos of this journey? I would love to see a series of pictures showing the BanjoVan© becoming more trashed out as the expedition progresses.
I pray all goes well, keep us posted.

Scott Haley said...

No, Jean-Claude Van Banjo is that Belgian action movie star who plays old time music. He was in that awful sequel to "O Brother Where Art Thou" with the gun fights and the car chases. :-)

I heard a comedian say that vans are great because you can drive around with everything you own, and if you want something, hit the brakes and it will smack you in the back of the head.

Laura Mill Karlin said...

Boring icky Tacoma way???????? Whattttttttt? I thought we were friends of such scintillating calibre that habitual references to Tacoma would be eclipsed. But maybe I deserve a hometown slam since I opted to run away to Saskatoon Saskatchewan at the last minute, instead of coming up to Scott's 40th. Tickled to hear of your trip and hope you will come see us devotees. Love, Laura

Jeanie said...

Van Banjo from the Banjomater!!! Ya! I like dat!!! I need to figure out how to do pictures--I just figured out the camera a little bit! I'm hoping Phoebe (my daughter) will help me!

All prayers appreciated!

Jeanie said...

Oh oh, I'm in trouble with the Tacomaites! It's like hating the sin and loving the sinner. Love a bunch of Tacomaites, hate Tacoma and freeways!